When Farmann Udder Mint Cream (which includes Japanese peppermint oil) is applied on the affected areas, the blood circulation in this area becomes more intense; resulting an immediate relaxation, especially for acute tissue cases.
Usage Areas: When you apply with massaging to affected areas, the blood circulation in this area becomes more intense; resulting an immediate relaxation. Farmann Udder Mint Cream which is organic and naturel, softens the skin and it is effective to protect skin tissues. When Farmann Udder Mint Cream is applied on the udder and teat during 3 days – 4 days by the first time of mastitis seen, there is chance to overcome the disease without using any antibiotics. It is also effective to heal the edema of the cows having recently given birth (or about to give birth).
Usage and dosage: Apply 10 ml (about a table spoon) of Farmann Udder Mint Cream with a 1-minute massage all around the udder after milking process. Make sure to rub all of the cream in the hand onto the udder.
Storage: Do not freeze. Store in room temperature and protect from direct sun light